Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracWorkflow

Jan 13, 2012, 11:25:02 PM (13 years ago)



  • TracWorkflow

    v2 v3  
    2525== Additional Ticket Workflows ==
    27 There are several example workflows provided in the Trac source tree; look in [trac:source:trunk/contrib/workflow contrib/workflow] for `.ini` config sections.  One of those may be a good match for what you want. They can be pasted into the `[ticket-workflow]` section of your `trac.ini` file.
     27There are several example workflows provided in the Trac source tree; look in [trac:source:trunk/contrib/workflow contrib/workflow] for `.ini` config sections.  One of those may be a good match for what you want. They can be pasted into the `[ticket-workflow]` section of your `trac.ini` file. However if you have existing tickets then there may be issues if those tickets have states that are not in the new workflow.
    2929Here are some [ diagrams] of the above examples.
    9494And then open up the resulting `trac.pdf` file created by the script (it will be in the same directory as the `trac.ini` file).
     96An online copy of the workflow parser is available at
    9698After you have changed a workflow, you need to restart apache for the changes to take effect. This is important, because the changes will still show up when you run your script, but all the old workflow steps will still be there until the server is restarted.
    113115pass.set_resolution = fixed
     118=== How to combine the `tracopt.ticket.commit_updater` with the testing workflow ===
     120The [[source:trunk/tracopt/ticket/|tracopt.ticket.commit_updater]] is the optional component that [[TracRepositoryAdmin#trac-post-commit-hook|replaces the old trac-post-commit-hook]], in Trac 0.12.
     122By default it reacts on some keywords found in changeset message logs like ''close'', ''fix'' etc. and performs the corresponding workflow action.
     124If you have a more complex workflow, like the testing stage described above and you want the ''closes'' keyword to move the ticket to the ''testing'' status instead of the ''closed'' status, you need to adapt the code a bit.
     126Have a look at the [[0.11/TracWorkflow#How-ToCombineSVNtrac-post-commit-hookWithTestWorkflow|Trac 0.11 recipe]] for the `trac-post-commit-hook`, this will give you some ideas about how to modify the component.
    116128== Example: Add simple optional generic review state ==
    219231 * Actions should be selectable based on the ticket type (different Workflows for different tickets)
    220232''Look into the [th:wiki:AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin]'s `triage` operation.''